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List of State Officials - Martin O'Malley, Governor; Anthony Brown, Lt. Governor; Robert Summers, MDE Secretary 

Volume V, Number 2

 May 2012

eMDE is a quarterly publication of the Maryland Department of the Environment. It covers articles on current environmental issues and events in the state. 

eMDE briefs

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Climate change draft plan open for comment

Maryland's climate change plan is now open for comment, and your opinions and ideas are needed.

MDE is holding a series of public meetings on the 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Act Draft Plan. The Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Act of 2009 requires the State to develop and implement a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent by 2020. 

Maryland is among the states most vulnerable to climate change. With the fourth longest tidal coastline, Maryland is the third most vulnerable state to sea level rise – one of the major consequences of climate change. Rising sea levels, along with increased storm intensity could have devastating and far-reaching environmental and economic impacts on the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem and the quality of life Marylanders currently enjoy.

MDE’s website includes a schedule of public meetings on the draft plan. Comments can also be emailed to CLIMATE.CHANGE@maryland.gov.

The final Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act Plan is due in December of 2012.

Lieutenant Governor Brown to address Maryland Green Registry Leadership Awards 

Winners of the third annual Maryland Green Registry Leadership Awards will be announced June 5 at the Robinson Nature Center in Columbia.

Lt. Gov. Anthony G. Brown will deliver welcoming remarks at the event. The evening will include a roundtable discussion on green teams and green marketing, the presentation of awards, networking with members of the Registry and the Green Building Institute, and a chance to visit a LEED certified-platinum facility. MDE Secretary Robert M. Summers and members of the Green Institute are to attend.

The event, which is free, is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Tickets are limited. More information is available on the Maryland Green Registry website.

The Maryland Green Registry is a part of Smart, Green & Growing, an initiative introduced by Governor Martin O’Malley in October 2008, to foster a smarter, greener, more sustainable future for Maryland families. The Registry is a free program that assists businesses and other organizations by promoting and recognizing their sustainable practices. Collectively, Registry members have saved more than $65 million annually through their sustainable practices.

Bay restoration plan submitted to EPA

Maryland has submitted its revised Phase II Watershed Implementation Plan to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

MDE worked with local governments and other stakeholders to develop a plan that refines the earlier Phase I plan. MDE gave consideration to all written comments received on the draft Phase II plan and made revisions before submitting the plan on March 30. Local governments can continue to refine their plans through June 30.

The Plan, the most detailed Chesapeake Bay restoration plan yet, is designed to meet the requirements of EPA’s Chesapeake Bay TMDL – a “pollution diet” that requires Maryland neighboring Bay states to reduce nutrients and sediments by 2025.

MDE recognized for environmentally-friendly purchasing

MDE recently received a bronze designation for its environmentally-friendly procurement practices from the Northeast Recycling Council’s, State Electronics Challenge (SEC). SEC is a voluntary program that assists state, regional and local governments in reducing the environmental impact of their electronic equipment. Government agencies in 32 states have joined the State Electronics Challenge. 

Bike to work

MDE, along with the Maryland Transit Administration and community partners, will host a pit stop for cyclists on May 18 in support of Bike to Work Day. Bike to Work Day is a national effort to provide cyclists and potential cyclists with resources, support and encouragement to regularly bike to work.

The pit stop is scheduled for 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. at the corner of Washington Boulevard and S. Monroe Street in Baltimore's Carroll Park.

You can register for a Bike to Work Day event on the Baltimore Metropolitan Council's website.

Time running out to enter the Clean Commute Contest

Do employees at your organization walk, bike, rideshare or use transit to get to work? Earn recognition and prizes for your organization's efforts to reduce vehicle commute miles through the Maryland Green Registry Clean Commute Contest. Contest forms are due May 25. Contest winners will be announced at the Maryland Green Registry Leadership Awards on June 5.


©2012 Copyright MDE

Editorial Board
Maryland Department of the Environment
1800 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21230